Comptoir Maison Française de l'or Grenoble 1 rue de la république

Exchange office Grenoble
Agora Change

Bureau de change Grenoble Version française
We have the best conditions for your transactions.

Consult our experts before making a decision

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    Available currencies
    at Grenoble currency exchange office

    We know how difficult currency exchange can be hard at Grenoble if you want to have the best rates and the best advice. That’s why we have decided to put at your service an exchange counter in our city. Maison Française de l’Or will apply all its know-how and professionalism.
    Our values are trust, simplicity and security. In order to offer you high quality services, we exclusively deal with suppliers operating in France. Our quality and ethical approach leads us to scrupulously respect exchange offices regulations in France.

    We  can provide the following currencies immediately

    • Dollar Américain
      American Dollar
    • Livre Sterling
      Pound Sterling
    • Franc Suisse
      Swiss Franc
    • Dollar Canadien
      Canadian Dollar
    • Dollar Australien
      Australian Dollar
    • Yen Japonais
      Japanese Yen
    • Dollar Singapour
      Singapore Dollar
    • Dollar Hong Kong
      Hong Kong Dollar
    • Couronne Danoise
      Danish Crown
    • Couronne Suédoise
      Swedish Crown
    • Couronne Norvégienne
      Norwegian Crown

    For any other currency you can place an order at our counter, on request within 24 to 48 hours.

    Currency exchange Grenoble
    What advantages for you ?

    You have planned to go on a trip for personal or professional reasons and because of this you have set a budget. Unlike the exchange offices located at the airport or in your destination country, it is possible for you, long before leaving to order your foreign currency.

    Bénéficier des meilleurs taux

    Get the best rates

    Our exchange office Agora Change gives you the best rates. Indeed, we are compensated thanks to the difference between purchase rate and rate of sale of the currencies. As foreign exchange professionals, we benefit from more advantageous exchange rates than other exchange points such as banks, airports …


    Régler par carte bancaire

    Pay by credit card

    It is possible to pay by credit card in our exchange office. This operation is less expensive compared to foreign country transaction.

    Conseils de professionnels

    Professionals advice

    The exchange counter « Maison Française de l’Or » takes the time to advise you and carry you in your steps, while avoiding the endless queue of airport exchange points.

    Grenoble Currency Exchange
    How to proceed ?

    Before departure


    Contact us

    Munissez-vous d'une pièce d'identité et moyen de paiement

    Bring an Identity card and a payment method (credit card or cash)

    Repartez avec vos devises

    Leave with your currencies

    Go to your exchange office Agora Change in Grenoble with your identity card. Depending on the amount you want, you can either leave with your change or order it. It depends on the stock owned by the currency exchange office. You can pay by credit card or cash.The exchange rate used will depend on the exchange rate set by the market. The operation is quite complex but is quickly apprehended.

    At your come back

    Conservez vos devises

    Keep your currencies


    Rendez-vous à nouveau dans notre boutique

    See you again in our office

    Unlike banks, offices buy back your currencies if you have not spent everything during your trip. You can resell currencies you have left in your exchange counter in Grenoble. However, the rate will surely be different. Do not worry, this is normal.
    You can of course keep your currency if you plan to make another trip to the same country soon. You can also wait for a preferential rate to increase your earnings.
    Warning ! We do not take back coins.

    Nos clients

    Comptoir d’or, très bonne découverte

    "Je suis venue à la Maison Française de l’Or pour faire expertiser des bijoux que je gardais depuis longtemps dans mes tiroirs et que je ne mettais plus. J’ai été étonné par l’offre que m’a fait le conseiller du magasin, je pensais que mes bijoux ne valaient plus rien. Je suis repartie ravie."

    Bruno S.

    Très bon conseil

    "Je voulais offrir à ma mère pour son anniversaire de belles pièces en or, car elle en est collectionneuse, j’ai été très bien conseillé par un personnel vraiment compétent. Ma mère a été très contente et à trouver que les pièces étaient de qualité et très bien choisies."

    Patricia R.

    Service remarquable

    "Ma tante m’avait parlé il y a longtemps de la Maison Française de l’Or où elle allait régulièrement pour vendre ses bijoux. J’ai décidé de faire pareil et j’ai été agréablement surprise par la rapidité et la facilité de leur service. L’analyse de nos bijoux est gratuite et sans engagement, le paiement est sécurisé et rapide, le personnel est agréable et compétent. Deux mots : je recommande"

    Laurent P.

    An eye on our news

    • Achat et vente d’or : votre expert Maison Française de l’Or ouvre ses portes à Angoulême

      27 Jan 2025

      Un nouveau comptoir Maison Française de l'Or ouvre ses portes à Angoulême ! Venez rencontrer nos conseillers, acheter de l'or d'investissement ou vendre votre or, vos bijoux anciens, au meilleur...

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    • Investir en 2025 : nos meilleures résolutions

      25 Jan 2025

      En 2025, vous aimeriez investir et bien placer votre argent ? Les experts Maison Française de l'Or vous donnent leurs meilleurs conseils ; de la remise à plat de vos finances, à l'achat d'or...

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    • Nouveau à Cognac : votre expert en or, un interlocuteur de confiance

      12 Nov 2024

      Maison Française de l'Or s'agrandit et ouvre un nouveau comptoir à Cognac ! Venez nous rencontrer pour faire estimer votre or en toute transparence, gratuitement et sans engagement.

      Lire la suite

    Questions and Answers

    How to travel with a large amount of cash?
    It is strongly discouraged to carry cash in your luggage which will be placed in the hold during the whole trip. There have been some problems in some airports. The best way to carry money with you is in a wallet, preferably in the inside pocket of your jacket or in a travel belt worn close to your body. You can also use a purse or briefcase, but make sure you always keep it close to you.

    What is required for a purchase or sale of currencies?
    French law requires all professionals to ask their clients to present a valid piece of identification for all currency exchange transactions.

    What is the maximum amount of cash you can carry to cross the euro zone border with?
    There is no limit in itself. However, you have to declare all cash in excess of € 10,000 as soon as you enter or leave, any territory of the Euro zone.

    How to sell your unused currency?
    When you return from your trip it is entirely possible to keep your currency until your next trip. Reselling your currency directly at the airport or railway station may cause you a commission, an overload, or the application of a disadvantageous exchange rate.

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